Blog Search Results | 5CA

Customer service outsourcing: Everything you need to know

Talent is becoming harder to find, and keeping up with customer expectations requires a 21st-century approach — enter customer service outsourcing.

5 reasons why CX monogamy is overrated

The times, they are a-most-definitely-changing. As seasoned CX veterans know, plenty of the received wisdoms of third-party contact center management have received something of a battering over the last few years.

What did we learn from the ‘Future of CX’ debate?

If you were not able to attend “CX Strategy: What now?”, our panel debate from last week, then here it is. An insightful, thought-provoking hour with industry gurus Mark Hillary, Stephen Loynd, Peter Ryan and our own Robert Van Diem. Here are some of the themes that really stood out for us.

CX Strategy: What Now? – WFH Takes Center Stage

I’m pleased to announce that I will be participating in a debate hosted by 5CA on October 27th. The title is CX Strategy: What Now? It’s going to be particularly topical, as one of the key things we will discuss, in the midst of this pandemic, is working from home (WFH) in the CX arena.

CX Strategy: What Now? – The Complexity Of Modern CX

I’m pleased to announce that I will be participating in a debate hosted by 5CA on October 27th. The title is CX Strategy: What Now? This might be your tenth webinar invitation this week, but I think that this is a step above most of the online briefings I am seeing at present.
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