Customer Service Solutions | 5CA

Customer Service Solutions

Find end-to-end, 24/7 CX support in over 25 languages, enabling businesses of all sizes across multiple industries to effectively and efficiently deliver consistent customer experiences.

Deliver world-class customer experiences at every touchpoint.

Your customers expect to engage with your brand on their terms. They expect to be able to use their preferred channels—whether phone, email, live chat, or social media—whenever they want. They also expect a consistent, personalized support experience — no matter what. To put your customers first, you need a more agile, high-tech approach. To put them first, you need customer service solutions adapted for the 21st century.

Everything you want, we've got it

Multilingual Support

Scale your CX for modern customers. Maintain the fastest response time and highest standards for improved customer satisfaction.

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Omnichannel Support

Reach your customers on their favorite channels. Our omnichannel support solutions turn customers into brand advocates.

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Customer Service Outsourcing

Face peak seasons with ease. Our tailored CX management and process optimization helps you manage spikes on your terms.

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Player Support

Offer specialized support catered to gamers. We’ve been in the game for 25 years; we know what your players want and how to help them.

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Technical Support

Provide knowledgeable tech support in your customers’ language. Our techspert agents know your products and services inside out.

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Pre-sales Support

Empower your customers buying decisions. We’ll help answer your customers’ questions throughout the buying process.

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Community Management

Create a safe, inclusive, and positive environment for your customers. Our community managers can monitor your online platforms to limit inappropriate content.

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Content Moderation

Keep your customers safe and your channels free of bad actors. Our content moderation services aim to make the internet a better place.

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VIP Player Support

Nurture your dolphins and whales with VIP player support. Increase player loyalty and boost revenue by going the extra mile for your most important players.

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Data-driven player and customer support solutions


Fans of Brands

Increase customer satisfaction with agents who love your brand. Our Fans of Brands can help your customers better than anyone — because they are your customers.


Innovative Technology

Improve workforce efficiency and support quality. Our data insights, trending topics dashboards, and specialized training platform can help you supercharge your CX.


Remote Operating Model

24/7 multilingual support for your global customers. Our remote operating model allows us to hire worldwide, providing support in 28+ languages.

How can CX help you scale your business?

Studies show that companies with a solid CX strategy have more success finding and retaining customers than those without. Find out how to proactively improve your CX in our exclusive whitepaper.

The results speak for themselves

We partner with brands—big and small—to deliver exceptional customer support solutions at scale.

CCP Eve Online

Discover how 5CA increased player retention for CCP Games’ flagship title, EVE Online, by 7% with specialized in-game player support.

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Learn how our pay-per-use shared agent model enabled Gigsky to provide around-the-clock customer service at an affordable rate.

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Find out how we reduced’s ticket backlog and average reply time to just three hours.

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Interested in learning more?

Connect with our CX specialists to see how 5CA can support your brand — and your customers. From tailor-made, data-charged solutions and transparent pricing information to personalized demos of our cutting-edge AI-powered support tools, our sales team is happy to help.