Blog Search Results | 5CA

How providing a safe player environment can drive retention and life time value (LTV) in mobile games

Last month, Vice ran an interesting article by Jess Morrissette on how games marketing invented toxic gaming culture by promoting toxicity and harassment as value propositions for gaming.

Crossing oceans with 5CA

My experience with starting to work remotely has certainly been one of the very best opportunities I’ve had so far. It changed my life, for the better.

How 5CA hires quality work from home agents

95% of 5CA works from home. So when it comes to recruitment, we can hire the best — not just those who live near our contact center. But how exactly do we find quality agents?

How to keep your remote agents motivated

95% of our team works from home. Find out how 5CA maintains a work-from-home strategy focused on our agents’ happiness, motivation, and quality of work.

Working from home, a dream that came true

I’ve been working from home for a full year now, and no working experience can compare. Working from home is a real dream come true.
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