Blog Search Results | 5CA

Are you ready to embrace the new economy?

Companies across the world are finding their business extremely disrupted at present and it looks like things may get worse before they get better. During this time there has been a strong focus on the need for people to work from home. Business journals are full of tips and tricks on how to keep companies running when nobody is at the office, but the emphasis is always on this situation being temporary.

How working remotely has allowed me invaluable time with my son

“I’m on break, it’s my turn to hold him!” This is just one statement many fathers don’t get to say to their significant other as they usually do not have home based job. The first set of stressors that come with being a new parent is the concern of scheduling, finances, and returning to work.

Pulling apart the myth that work can only be done in one place

I speak from a limited experience when it comes to working remotely, but one that is all too familiar to many people who work or study in modern urban environments.

How working from home allowed me to eat in the world’s best restaurant

I’ve been passionate about cuisine for as long as I can remember. I attended the Ritz school for kids in Paris at the age of five, did an internship in a 3 Michelin star restaurant at fifteen and at twenty-six I ate in the best restaurant in the world.

International women’s day at 5CA

International Women’s day is here and we would really like to give it the attention it deserves. That is why we’ve asked Recruiter Ivana Bera, Senior Agent Ana Morazán, Traffic Controller Cinandi Botha and Administrative Assistant Sera Ozerinc to answer 5 questions regarding this important day and the position of women in general.
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