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Blog How do you treat your Very Important Players?

How to treat your VIPs (Very Important Players)

Looking after your VIPs is good business sense. It’s good for them in that they’re rewarded for their loyalty and advocacy, and good for you, for repeat revenues and bottom line. But how do you do it?

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Blog How to improve player retention

How to increase player retention with great CX

With so many new games, streaming services, and opportunities out there, how can you expand the player lifecycle and keep your players playing? Well, your secret ingredient is great CX.

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Blog Hey, start-ups! Did you know quality CX is about more than just price?

CX essentials for startups: a brief overview

Did you know over 70% of startups don’t have a customer support strategy? Let’s look at CX for startups and how excellent customer experience can help you grow.

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Blog 5 key problems of remote work without a work from home strategy

4 reasons to implement a work from home strategy

Over the last year, millions have made the shift to WFH. Although benefits are aplenty, a fully remote workforce has its share of problems. But did you know you can overcome all of them with a solid work-from-home strategy?

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Blog Subscription ecommerce is going global! But how will it expand your brand?

Subscription ecommerce is going global! But how will it expand your brand?

Currently, North America dominates the subscription e-commerce market. Having had almost 70% of revenue in 2019, the US has paved the way for this brand-new way of living. But the world is bigger than that, and the Asia-Pacific region is hot on its heels.

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Blog How to build sustainable access to global talent

How to build sustainable access to global talent

Our Business Development Director Marcel Stroop talks about how our approach to sourcing talent can offer a best-of-both-worlds approach for your business.

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Blog Subscription based services: challenge or opportunity?

Subscription based services: challenge or opportunity?

Subscription services have gone mainstream and we’re all aware of their benefits, but they also come with plenty of challenges. What are those challenges? And how can we use them to increase long-term value?

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Blog Brand ambassadors: What are they? And why are they so important?

Brand ambassadors: What are they? And why are they so important?

Marketing has come a long way since Britney’s Got Milk! Ads. 20 years on, it’s everyday brand ambassadors who have the power to advance your brand.

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Blog Why great remote work culture is precious (and how you can help it flourish)

Why great remote work culture is precious (and how you can help it flourish)

Benjamin Schmidt is an engagement and comms lead here at 5CA. He’s played a key role in helping us establish an inclusive remote work culture, and here he talks about what he loves about a WFH culture that we think is pretty special – and why that might be.

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Blog Did you know there's no better time to work from home?

Did you know there’s no better time to work from home?

When we started 5CA, cloud-based working was a pipe dream with potential. We knew there was scope to change the world through remote work, and 20 years on, the world has caught up. In case you were wondering when it’s the right time to set up your remote team: it’s now.

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Blog 6 things you’ll find in a 5CA loot crate

6 things you’ll find in a 5CA loot crate

After its biggest-ever year of growth, the gaming market is now worth an estimated $165bn, with mobile gaming by far the most lucrative segment of the market, worth around $85bn.

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Blog How CX can help you connect online with your customers

How CX can help you connect online with your customers

Let’s be clear: digital retail has always been a competitive environment, but the global pandemic has seen a huge retail pivot to e-commerce as high street stores have been forced to close.

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