Why a perfect storm is gathering for multi-lingual hubs (and what to do about it)
The Multi-Lingual Hub (MLH) approach is under pressure right now all across Europe. What are the issues they face and what does it mean for their customers? Rory Stark and Marcel Stroop ask if a perfect storm is on the horizon for this way of working.

What are the 5 CX trends you need to know about for 2021?
Our Sales Consultant Matt Sims was invited to speak this week at the Nordic launch of Zendesk’s 2021 CX trends report, part of its global survey based on data from 90,000 businesses across 175 countries. Here Matt shares his take on the five CX trends that everyone needs to know about in 2021.

7 CX Trends That Will Hit E-Stores in 2021
The shift from shopping in-store to on-screen has grown each year, but the pandemic has thrown gasoline onto the fire that was already raging for high street retail. E-commerce had its biggest year ever in 2020 and its swallowing up of legacy high street brands shows no sign of stopping.

Why it takes a gamer to know (and help) a gamer
After the year we’ve had, it’s no surprise that the whole world is gaming longer and harder than it ever has before. Mobile gaming in particular has had a stellar year, as millions of us have turned to our phones to stave off lockdown boredom.

Koen Schobbers on the secrets of parenting for responsible gaming
Gaming is the world’s #1 lifestyle choice, played by more people than any other form of entertainment. We’ve had a ringside seat for its evolution, working hand-in-hand with our clients to support their customers as they enter huge, new immersive worlds.

Customer service outsourcing: Everything you need to know
Talent is becoming harder to find, and keeping up with customer expectations requires a 21st-century approach — enter customer service outsourcing.

5 reasons why CX monogamy is overrated
The times, they are a-most-definitely-changing. As seasoned CX veterans know, plenty of the received wisdoms of third-party contact center management have received something of a battering over the last few years.

What did we learn from the ‘Future of CX’ debate?
If you were not able to attend “CX Strategy: What now?”, our panel debate from last week, then here it is. An insightful, thought-provoking hour with industry gurus Mark Hillary, Stephen Loynd, Peter Ryan and our own Robert Van Diem. Here are some of the themes that really stood out for us.

CX Strategy: What Now? – WFH Takes Center Stage
I’m pleased to announce that I will be participating in a debate hosted by 5CA on October 27th. The title is CX Strategy: What Now? It’s going to be particularly topical, as one of the key things we will discuss, in the midst of this pandemic, is working from home (WFH) in the CX arena.

CX Strategy: What Now? – The Complexity Of Modern CX
I’m pleased to announce that I will be participating in a debate hosted by 5CA on October 27th. The title is CX Strategy: What Now? This might be your tenth webinar invitation this week, but I think that this is a step above most of the online briefings I am seeing at present.

CX Strategy: What Now? – The Case For Multisourcing
I’m pleased to announce that I will be participating in a debate hosted by 5CA on October 27th. The title is CX Strategy: What Now? I know that there are a lot of webinars and online debates these days, but I really think you should make time for this one.

How we do things differently at 5CA
Following on from National Customer Service Week, our Chief Customer Officer Rob van Herpen reflects on the journey that customer service has undergone in the last decade, and the role it plays within the wider scope of the whole customer experience.